Customer Advisory Board expert with experience facilitating over 200 CAB meetings
Mike Gospe is a Customer Advisory Board (CAB) and Partner Advisory Board (PAB) strategist with experience facilitating over 200 executive-level meetings through his consultancy, KickStart Alliance. He also serves as an interim CMO to companies growing from $50-100M in ARR, and has previously held marketing leadership roles at Sun Microsystems and Hewlett Packard.
AMA Recap: Using Customer Intelligence to Drive Revenue
Meeting the needs of your customers starts with knowing them inside and out. A deep understanding of your customers helps prevent churn, drive expansion, and encourage referrals. In this Ask-Me-Anything session, three panelists take questions from the audience and discuss three approaches to understanding your customers with health scoring, Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) and qualitative approaches.
Running a Customer Advisory Board
Mike Gospe is a Customer Advisory Board (CAB) and Partner Advisory Board (PAB) strategist with experience facilitating over 200 executive-level meetings through his consultancy, KickStart Alliance. In this guide, he explains what CABs are, how to run one, and how to make sure you get the most out of your investment.
Ten Eleven Roundtable on Running a Customer Advisory Board
Mike Gospe is a Customer Advisory Board (CAB) and Partner Advisory Board (PAB) strategist with experience facilitating over 200 executive-level meetings through his consultancy, KickStart Alliance. In this roundtable, he explains what CABs are, how to run one, and how to make sure you get the most out of your investment.
Areas of Expertise
Facilitating CABs and PABs Mike serves as an outside facilitator for CAB and PAB meetings, providing planning best-practices and in-meeting objectivity that can be valuable but tricky for in-house executives to deliver.
Interim CMO For B2B tech companies going through a transition, Mike specializes in building the marketing organization, framework, and playbooks to help companies grow from $50M ARR to $100M ARR, then handing leadership off to the next full-time CMO. Mike provides CEOs with a runway to hire the right CMO.